About ELIA Membership
Advisory Board


Prof. Dr. Candan TERVİEL (Institute Director) 

Prof. Dr. Ayten KAPLAN (Assistant Director of the Institute)

Asst. Prof.  Seza SOYLUÇİÇEK VURGUN (Assistant Director of the Institute) 

Prof. Dr. Ruşen Keleş (Kapadokya University Faculty of Architecture Design and Fine Arts)

Prof. Dr. Ayşe İlhan Çakır (Art Educators Association)

Dr. Burçak Bingöl (Freelance Artist)

Murat Karahan (State Opera and Ballet)

Hacı Ali Bozkurt (Ankara Metropolitan Municipality Department of Culture and Social Affairs)

Hakan Doğu (TRT Department of Domestic Productions)

Ebru Kırıştı (Student Representative)


The second meeting of Hacettepe University Institute of Fine Arts Advisory Board was held online on November 25, 2024 between 16.00 - 17.30.

At the meeting; Institute Director Prof. Dr. Candan Terviel gave information about the academic and administrative activities carried out in our Institute in 2024 and the exhibitions, meetings and events planned for 2025.

Our Advisory Board members shared their knowledge and opinions on the shortcomings of today's art education and comparison with their own education processes, how it is possible to train better artists and examples from the world, the necessity of encouraging students and new graduates in the art sector and ways to do this, the effects of artificial intelligence on art and the creation process, the importance of raising the knowledge and awareness of city administrators in the field of art and culture.

During the statements of the Advisory Board members, mutual ideas were discussed in many ways. It may be considered to organize this productive meeting not only with the Advisory Board, but also by including the heads of the Departments/Associate branches in the future.



Hacettepe University Institute of Fine Arts Advisory Board held its first meeting on March 13, 2023 at 13.30, in 4 sessions, and with a very productive and successful content and decisions taken, it gave direction to the works planned to be carried out in the coming period.

First of all; common opinions and suggestions such as organizing activities and projects that can contribute to the professional studies of our graduate students, organizing conferences, open forums, panels with artistic and cultural content, planning activities that will contribute to art education in cooperation with other art institutes in our country, organizing common mind workshops about the studies and systems used in graduate programs in the world on the subject were discussed.  

We would like to thank all members of the Advisory Board for their contributions.