About ELIA Membership

1. Within one month, the student who has taken the defense exam must bring a printout of the thesis ready to be bound and the original Thesis Approval Page signed by the jury members to the Graduate School Student Affairs and have it checked for compliance with the thesis spelling rules and get a spine number for the thesis.

2. The thesis approval page of the student whose thesis has been submitted and officially graduated by the Graduate School Executive Board is signed by the Graduate School Director.

3. At the latest 1 month after the exam date, the student must submit the bound thesis to the Graduate School with the documents requested below.

With the letter dated 23/03/2010 and numbered 85-010142 received from the PRESIDENCY OF THE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION, the "Guideline on the Compilation of Graduate Theses Prepared in Higher Education Institutions on the Internet" has been issued and the following attachments to be submitted to the Institute must be prepared in accordance with this guideline.

Guidelines on the Compilation of Graduate Theses Prepared in Higher Education Institutions on the Internet

Documents to be submitted to the Graduate School for Thesis Submission


1. 2 bound theses (signatures will be made with a blue pen and the signatures will be submitted in full, scanned acceptance approval page will not be accepted).

2. The thesis will also be submitted in 2 CDs in Pdf format. (The reference number received from YÖK will be written on the CDs as the file name; the reference number, name-surname, department and the name of the thesis will be written on the CDs with a CD pen. The file on the CD is in pdf format and will be named with the reference number received from YÖK. The CD will be uncompressed and unencrypted in PDF format and each of the CDs will contain 2 CDs with the following folders)

A single folder containing the full text of the thesis with signed acceptance approval page and signatures on the forms 
Your thesis without the acceptance approval page and with the forms but without the signatures on the forms must be copied separately.  (It is unethical to publish signatures electronically)
Folder containing the cover of the thesis, (in word format)
A folder containing the Turkish abstract page of the thesis, (in word format)
A folder containing the English abstract page of the thesis (in word format)
Attachments other than the thesis, if any (pictures, maps, books, booklets, brochures, games, movies, videos, etc.) in a single folder compressed with WinRAR program
Defense exams in conservatory programs must be recorded and the CD must be submitted to the Graduate School.

NOTE: There will be NO personal information (signature, TR ID number, telephone, place of birth, year of birth, photograph, e-mail, address, etc.) in your printed thesis and CVs, if any, on CDs.

3. YÖK Thesis Data Entry form (1 piece) You can obtain it by logging in with your e-government password at https://tez.yok.gov.tr/UlusalTezMerkezi/ 

4. The CD of your thesis must be uploaded to the Hacettepe Library Open Access system (your thesis without the b-acceptance approval page and with the forms but without the signatures on the forms must be uploaded to the library system before submission to the institute).

Library Open Access Link:  //www.openaccess.hacettepe.edu.tr:8080/xmlui/

5. After taking the defense exam, after all the arrangements given by the exam jury are finished, the final version of the plagiarism report to be received by your advisor (the thesis and the page with the author's name and all pages with the percentages should be prepared).

6. Photocopy of identity card (2 copies) 

7. Student ID Card (Students who have lost their Student ID card should submit the newspaper clipping to our Graduate School by placing an advertisement in the newspaper). 

8. You must take the "Dismissal Form" from the Minutes and Forms section on the WEB page of our Graduate School and submit it to the Graduate School by signing the relevant places.  

9. Publication and Intellectual Property Rights Declaration Form (2 pieces)

 (*.pdf format)   |   ( *.doc format)

Attention International Students at the Graduation stage!

10. International students are required to be a member of Turkey Graduates Portal (turkiyemezunlari.gov.tr) and submit the 'Graduate Information Form' to the Graduate School.

11. For YTB students, the "No Debt" letter to be obtained from YTB   

For graduation; the above-mentioned attachments and 2 original signed theses must be submitted to the Graduate School.

ALSO; As stated in Article 6 of the Regulation Amending the Hacettepe University Graduate Education and Examination Regulation dated April 25, 2017, Article 43 and Paragraph 5 of the Hacettepe University Graduate Education and Examination Regulation dated 26.11.2016;

(5) "In the fields of social sciences and humanities, fine arts, music and performing arts, in order to be able to take the thesis defense exam, the student must have at least one research article related to his/her thesis and published in journals within the scope of SSCI, SCI, SCI-Expanded or AHCI or in journals included in the ULAKBIM TR index journal list during his/her doctoral education. For this reason, the full published article or a sample of the acceptance certificate must be attached to the thesis in the APPENDICES section.

Regulations, Directives and Forms


